Saturday, November 10, 2007

The White Noise from Your Cell Phone Gives Me a Headache!

This is going to be a short entry because I wish to address one thing: What makes people feel that they are SOOOO important that they have to stay on their cell phones while they order their food? I'm not just talking about the people who are reading orders back to their families at home... they don't bother me so much.

I am talking about those crazy kids who just haft to inform "Janice that there is a HUUGGEE party tonight... ('I'll have a You Pick 2 with broccoli cheddar and...') I know! Its going to be so big. like everyone will be there... ('and a turkey sandwich with chips')... hahahaha"

When I, as your confused and lost cashier try to interject on your oh-so-important call:
"Ma'am, would you like everything on that turkey? Ma'am, would you? Excuse me? HEY! DO YOU WANT EVERYTHNG ON YOUR FRICKIN TURKEY SANDWICH?"

Then, I am screwed because I get bad customer service scores, I have a headache because if you try reading what I wrote above... it takes you for a loss and are angry because for whatever reason you didn't want mustard yet it is on your sandwich.

Simple lesson...let's try to blot out some of that bitterness by just keeping the important calls for the privacy of your home.

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